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Main Information:
Game name: Dungeon Board (2024)
Ganre: PC Games, RPG
Developer: Howl Games
Release date: 2024
Interface language: EN
Voice language: EN
Game name: Dungeon Board (2024)
Ganre: PC Games, RPG
Developer: Howl Games
Release date: 2024
Interface language: EN
Voice language: EN
A virtual tabletop and companion app that puts you in control. Author your encounters and play them out with friends! Now with built-in multiplayer via Steam, or screen share with your friends! Create tokens to represent your characters, important objects, or anything you need! With a fully featured array of customisations. Define boundaries for your spells, environmental effects, or anything your game needs! With custom areas.
System Requirements:
CPU: Intel / AMD
OS: Windows 10 / 11
DirectX:Version 10
Free Disk Space:1 GB
Video review: