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Main Information:
Game name: Storm: Frontline Nation
Ganre: PC Games, Strategy
Developer: Colossai Studios
Release date: 2011
Interface language: EN / GER / Multi5
Voice language: EN / GER / Multi5
Game name: Storm: Frontline Nation
Ganre: PC Games, Strategy
Developer: Colossai Studios
Release date: 2011
Interface language: EN / GER / Multi5
Voice language: EN / GER / Multi5
Storm: Frontline Nation is a turn-based military strategy game that pits military juggernauts from the United States, Russia, United Kingdom, Germany, and France against each other as they fight over dwindling natural resources amidst an international economic collapse.
System Requirements:
CPU: Intel Pentium IV 2.4 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 2500+
OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10
Video Card: 128 MB VRAM
Free Disk Space: 2 GB
Video review: