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Main Information:
Game name: Path of Achra (2024)
Ganre: PC Games, RPG
Developer: Ulfsire
Release date: 2024
Interface language: EN
Voice language: EN
Game name: Path of Achra (2024)
Ganre: PC Games, RPG
Developer: Ulfsire
Release date: 2024
Interface language: EN
Voice language: EN
A dark fantasy roguelike of the ancient earth, with a focus on streamlined controls and rapid hero customization. A "broken build sandbox." Fight through the deadly lands of Achra to reach the horrors of the Obelisk, and discover what lies beyond... Merge culture, class and religion to establish a starting hero, unlock more options as you play, with 1000+ potential combinations. Customize your hero with 50+ elementally-aligned ....
System Requirements:
CPU: Intel / AMD
RAM: 512 MB
OS: Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 / 11
Video Card:Open GL 3.3+
Free Disk Space:512 MB
Video review: