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Main Information:
Game name: Castle of Lord Velimir
Ganre: Action, PC Games, RPG
Developer: GM hack
Release date: 2024
Interface language: EN
Voice language: EN
Game name: Castle of Lord Velimir
Ganre: Action, PC Games, RPG
Developer: GM hack
Release date: 2024
Interface language: EN
Voice language: EN
Take the main role in the epic battle against encroaching darkness. Dark Souls, Super Mario Bros and Warcraft 3 had a baby and its this game. How did the baby happen, you ask? Well, it was that wild of a party. In the heart of the Earth lies the ancient city of Agartha, where gods and higher beings reside. Once, in cycles long past, humans were welcomed into Agartha, partaking in its divine grace and wisdom.
System Requirements:
CPU: Intel / AMD
OS: Windows 10 / 11 (64 bit)
Video review: