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Howl (2023)

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Main Information:
Game name: Howl (2023)
Ganre: Adventure, PC Games, Strategy
Developer: Mi&39;pu&39;mi Games GmbH
Release date: 2023
Interface language: EN / Multi9​​​​​​​
Voice language: EN / Multi9​​​​​​​



A turn-based tactical folktale set in medieval times. A sinister "howling plague" has ravaged the land, turning all who hear it into feral beasts. You play a deaf heroine plunging into danger in search of a cure. Plan up to six steps in advance to outmaneuver your opponents: wolfish creatures filled with hunger and rage. Various types of fiends are lurking in the shadows, each of them ...

System Requirements:

CPU: Intel Core i3 with release date 2014 or later OR AMD FX with release date 2013 or later​​​​​​​

RAM: 4 GB​​​​​​​

OS: Windows 10 / 11 (64 bit)​​​​​​​

Video Card:Dedicated GPU with base frequency 400 MHz or greater​​​​​​​

Free Disk Space:1 GB

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