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Main Information:
Game name: HENTAI CLIMBER (2019)
Ganre: Adventure, PC Games
Developer: PlatSTUDIO
Release date: 2019
Interface language: EN / Multi13
Voice language: EN / Multi13
Game name: HENTAI CLIMBER (2019)
Ganre: Adventure, PC Games
Developer: PlatSTUDIO
Release date: 2019
Interface language: EN / Multi13
Voice language: EN / Multi13
HENTAI CLIMBER - third-person game where an anime girl must climb a mountain. Climb the mountain carefully, think over your every step. Try to get to the top without falls. On the way to victory you will find many interesting places.
The game is very difficult and to raise to the top of the mountain you will have to spend many attempts. Important! Dont stand long in one place, you can slip.
System Requirements:
CPU: Intel Core 2 or similar
RAM: 4096 MB
OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10
Video Card: 2 GB VRAM
Free Disk Space: 200 MB
Video review: