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Main Information:
Game name: Iron Fish (2016)
Ganre: Adventure, Horror, PC Games
Developer: BeefJack ,Dean Edwards
Release date: 2016
Interface language: EN
Voice language: EN
Game name: Iron Fish (2016)
Ganre: Adventure, Horror, PC Games
Developer: BeefJack ,Dean Edwards
Release date: 2016
Interface language: EN
Voice language: EN
Iron Fish is a psychological deep sea thriller that challenges players to navigate the dangers that lurk at the bottom of the ocean where humans no longer have the upper hand.
A player in a small diving team have to penetrate the mysterious sea abyss, at the bottom of which something ancient and monstrous is buried.
System Requirements:
CPU: Intel Core i7-4710HQ CPU 2.50GHz
OS: Windows 7 / 8.1 / 10
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 850M
Free Disk Space: 10 GB
Video review: