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Main Information:
Game name: Joyville (2023)
Ganre: Adventure, Horror, PC Games, Puzzle
Developer: KudPlay Games
Release date: 2023
Interface language: EN
Voice language: EN
Game name: Joyville (2023)
Ganre: Adventure, Horror, PC Games, Puzzle
Developer: KudPlay Games
Release date: 2023
Interface language: EN
Voice language: EN
Joyville is a horror-puzzle adventure game set in an abandoned childrens camp. Brace yourself for a gripping journey through the shadows, solving puzzles, and trying to survive amidst the hidden horrors that await you.
System Requirements:
CPU: Intel Core i5
OS: Windows 10
Video Card:Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 / Radeon RX 580
Free Disk Space:6 GB
Video review: