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Main Information:
Game name: Night Pact: Azuru (2023)
Ganre: Adventure, Horror, PC Games
Developer: Victor Corcoles
Release date: 2023
Interface language: EN / ES
Voice language: EN / ES
Game name: Night Pact: Azuru (2023)
Ganre: Adventure, Horror, PC Games
Developer: Victor Corcoles
Release date: 2023
Interface language: EN / ES
Voice language: EN / ES
An adventure with action and exploration elements, along with puzzles. A broken deal will lead you into the depths of a strange cult-like group of moonshiners. Fight through with your loyal revolver, gather knowledge and solve puzzles as you keep advancing into the unknown. Investigate and interact with various objects to unveil the suspicious secrets held by this group of cultists.
System Requirements:
CPU: Intel Core i7-6700, AMD Ryzen 7 3700X
OS: Windows 10 (64 bit)
Video Card:NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 or equivalent
Free Disk Space:5 GB
Video review: