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Main Information:
Game name: Night Lights (2019)
Ganre: Arcade, PC Games, Puzzle
Developer: Meridian4, Grave Danger Games
Release date: 2019
Interface language: EN
Voice language: EN
Game name: Night Lights (2019)
Ganre: Arcade, PC Games, Puzzle
Developer: Meridian4, Grave Danger Games
Release date: 2019
Interface language: EN
Voice language: EN
The world is different at night. Night Lights feels like the intersection TVs Stranger Things and the movie WALL-E, and is a unique 2D puzzle platformer. A tiny robot faces the quest of illuminating a darkened planet, and begins learning how to play with the resources around them. A game with incredibly unique mechanics which manipulate light & shadow which change the surrounding environment, solve intricate tasks, and ultimately collect shards to resurrect a fallen star.
Be a little robot beacon of light in a dark & puzzling world.
Pierce the darkness and enter Night Lights.
System Requirements:
CPU: Intel Core i3 1.8 GHz
OS: Windows 10
Video Card: Intel HD 4000
Free Disk Space: 250 MB
Video review: