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TAG WAR (2019)

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Main Information:
Game name: TAG WAR (2019)
Ganre: Arcade, PC Games
Developer: WOWWOW
Release date: 2019
Interface language: EN / Multi5
Voice language: EN / Multi5



TAG WAR is a game about “Scanner and Barcode”. Using scanner to scan the barcode on your opponent to defeat him. Team up with your friends to join the 4 vs 4 online battle of shopping !!

Cross Platform Gameplay
Battle with friend who play the VR version.
Joystick vs VR controller!! Lets see who is better.

All about Fun
This is a game that wish you to have fun with your friends.
You must be tired of a bunch of zombie games. Right?
TAG WAR is a game just simple, silly but fun.

Get Closer
With the 50cm limit range of the scanner. We want to bring players closer.
Just like playing tag in your childhood. Closer always mean more exciting.

Be Creative with Customization
Different Skin - Paint your body whatever you like. You can be everyone.
Different Look - Use emoticon to express yourself. Be happy, sad or even fxck face "literally".
Different Gameplay - Change the position of your barcode. Which will change your gameplay style completely.

System Requirements:

CPU: i5-2500 3.3GHz


OS: Windows 7 / 8.1 / 10 (64 bit)

Video Card: Nvidia GTX 1050 or equivalent

Free Disk Space: 2 GB

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