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Main Information:
Game name: Outlanders (2023)
Ganre: PC Games, Simulation, Strategy
Developer: Pomelo Games
Release date: 2023
Interface language: EN / Multi15
Voice language: EN / Multi15
Game name: Outlanders (2023)
Ganre: PC Games, Simulation, Strategy
Developer: Pomelo Games
Release date: 2023
Interface language: EN / Multi15
Voice language: EN / Multi15
Outlanders is a town-building strategy game, populated by hard-working, charming folk in search of a simpler life. Some just want to survive off the land, others want to create amazing things.
It’s up to you to use the extensive catalog of tools and buildings at your disposal to guide them towards their goals.
System Requirements:
CPU: Core i3 4170
OS: Windows 10 (64 bit)
Video Card:AMD Radeon R9 380
Free Disk Space:1 GB
Video review: